
Our refund and returns policy lasts 30 days. If 30 days have passed since your purchase, we can’t offer you a refund or exchange.

Communications will be sent ASAP, around clients and other business committments and within 3 working days. Your patience is greatly appreciated. Communications are to be done only via email and not whatsapp or social media. I reserve the right not to serve any aggressive customers. 

1-2-1’s & block bookings:

Payment is required in advance of all Reset Well-being sessions. Your appointment is not confirmed until full payment is made. 

If you have opted to book in a block of sessions, you will be emailed after you have paid the agreed amount, which may be agreed via text, email, whats app or social media message, with a list of the dates and times of your sessions. It is your responsibility to add these to your diary and attend all sessions. You will not be sent a reminder to attend. 

If you have decided to split the payment of your block bookings up, this will be agreed with you via text, email, social media message or whats app and it is your responsibility to make prompt payment. If you have asked for 8 (or more) sessions in a row, you are still contractually obliged to pay for these, since Ruth John will have set time aside in her diary to service all sessions. 

Cancellations & refund policy: Since the scheduling of an appointment involves the reservation of time set aside especially for you, a minimum of 48 hours notice is required for rescheduling of an appointment.

If for any reason you decide to cancel less than 48 hours prior, the full fee will be charged. You may also inquire whether there is an option to meet virtually if you’re unable to attend an in-person session.

If you confirm non-attendance 48 hours before a booked session or event is due to take place, you can transfer the value, minus a 20% fee of your missed session to an alternative session.

If you do not turn up to your booked session or event place, you are not eligible for a refund.

On the rare occasion of a session being cancelled by Reset with Ruth, you will be offered either a full refund, or the opportunity to transfer your credit to another session. Refunds are not issued if you miss your session or event.




If I provide you with any materials, whether digital or printed, any intellectual property in those
materials belongs to me and unless I agree otherwise you can only use those materials for your own personal use and you may not share them with third parties.

Events, Retreat Days and Group Sessions:

Since the scheduling of a well-being event involves the reservation of time set aside especially for you involving third party practitioners, caterers and service providers, refunds are not given for well-being events and group bookings. If you are able to give 48 hours notice, you will be able to transfer 50% of the fee to another event where there is space to do so. 

If you do not turn up to your booked session or event place, you are not eligible for a refund. 

If for any reason you decide to cancel less than 48 hours prior, the full fee will be charged. 

If you are late, time will not be made up. 




If I provide you with any materials, whether digital or printed, any intellectual property in those
materials belongs to me and unless I agree otherwise you can only use those materials for your own personal use and you may not share them with third parties.


Gift vouchers are valid for 3 months

Gift vouchers have no monetary value and are non-refundable

Gift vouchers will not be extended past their valid date

The only exception to this, is if I am fully booked and cannot fit you in, in which case the voucher will be honoured at the next available timeslot. 

In the event I need to reschedule the appointment for any reason, including my own personal circumstances, your appointment will be rescheduled and not refunded. 

You must bring your voucher to the session/appointment you have booked. 

Once a gift voucher has been bought and given/gifted, the contract sits completely with the recipient of the gift voucher and not the purchaser. It is the responsibility of the person using the gift voucher, to book and manage their session and all communications will remain between the gift card recipient and me as the therapist. 

Due to the nature of trauma informed sessions, discussions around the vouchers use will only be granted to the individual who has been gifted the voucher. 

Gift vouchers cannot be used for The Siren Circle, or Reset & Rise 2024, due to these sessions being shared with other practitioners. 

Gift cards cannot be resold, transferred to another person

I am not responsible if any gift cards get destroyed, lost or stolen

If a purchase exceeds the redeemers gift voucher balance, the remaining amount must be paid with another payment method

I reserve the right to require additional verification of your identity

The terms and conditions around cancellation, no shows and missed appointments remain the same for the gift card recipient, as any other client booking. 

I reserve the right to change these terms and conditions from time to time, at our discretion 

Holistic Training:

Since the scheduling of well-being training involves the reservation of time set aside especially for you, involving third party practitioners, accreditation bodies, caterers and service providers, refunds are not given for training. If you confirm non attendance due to illness, 48 hours before the training is taking place, you will be able to transfer your space to the next date being held. If you change your mind for any reason, you must give at least 2 weeks notice in writing in order to have your training fee transferred to another Reset Well-being session, to be agreed with Ruth John. 

If you do not turn up to your booked session or event place, you are not eligible for a refund.

If for any reason you decide to cancel less than 48 hours prior, the full fee will be charged. 

On the rare occasion of a group session or event being cancelled by Reset with Ruth, you will be offered either a full refund, or the opportunity to transfer your credit to another session. Refunds are not issued if you miss your session or event.




If I provide you with any materials, including your workbook, whether digital or printed, any intellectual property in those materials belongs to me and unless I agree otherwise you can only use those materials for your own personal use and you may not share them with third parties.


Reset with Ruth overnight Retreat Terms and Conditions

This contract sets out:

• your legal rights and responsibilities;
• my legal rights and responsibilities; and
• certain key information required by law.
The contract below sets out the legal terms that will govern my relationship with you and apply to the services. The intention of this contract is to bring clarity to our relationship, protect both parties and take care of the business side of things so that we focus on enjoying the retreat.

In this contract
• ‘I’, ‘me’ or ‘my’ means Ruth John trading as ‘Reset with Ruth’.
• ‘You’ or ‘your’ means the person booking a place on a Reset with Ruth (‘the Retreat’).
If you would like to speak to me about any aspect of this contract, please get in contact by:
• e-mail:

I run well-being retreats and we wish to enter this agreement to set out the terms and conditions that will apply in respect of my services and the Retreats.

1 Introduction
1.1 If you book a place on my Retreat you agree to be legally bound by this contract, including the details of the Retreat which are set out on the webpage for the relevant Retreat at
1.2 You also agree to be legally bound by my website terms of use and privacy policy.

2 Information I give you
2.1 By law, the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 say that I must give you certain key information before a legally binding contract of sale between you and me is made (see the summary box below). I shall give you this information in a clear and understandable way either in this contract or the webpage for the Retreat.

I shall give you information on:
– the main characteristics of the Retreat

– who I am, where I am based and how you can contact me
– the total price of the Retreat
– the arrangements for payment
– how to exercise your right to cancel the contract in the 14 day cooling off period

– my complaint handling policy

3 Reserving your place on the Retreat

3.1 Below, I set out how a legally binding contract between you and me is made:
3.2 You place an order on the site by clicking on the ‘book now’ button and filling in the booking form or you may place an order with me by sending me an email, text, what’s app or social media message.
3.2.1 When you place your order at the end of the online checkout process by clicking on the
payment button, or you send me an email, I shall acknowledge it by an automated email.
This acknowledgement does not, however, mean that your order has been accepted.
3.2.2 When you decide to reserve your place on the Retreat, this is when you make a contractual
offer to me.3.2.3 I may contact you to say that I cannot offer you a place, for example if I do not think the Retreat is right for you or there has been a mistake in the pricing or description of the Retreat.

3.2.4 I shall only accept your request for a place when I confirm this to you by sending you a
confirmation email. At this point:
(a) a legally binding contract will be in place between you and me, and
(b) I shall reserve you a place on the Retreat.

4 The Retreat

4.1 You have protection under consumer rights legislation, including that I must use reasonable care and skill when providing the Retreat.

4.2 The Retreat will correspond in all material ways with its description on the relevant webpage.
4.3 I shall use third parties in connection with the Retreat. For example the accommodation, meals and some guest talks and activities may be provided by carefully chosen third parties. You acknowledge that I ordinarily contract with these third parties on their normal terms of business which may not be entirely consistent with this agreement. If any delay or failure by a third party properly to provide subcontracted services causes a delay or failure in my performance of this agreement, it is agreed that:
4.3.1 I shall use all reasonable endeavours to apply for your benefit all rights or remedies available
from the relevant third party; and
4.3.2 except to the extent the delay or failure is caused by a failure to use my best care and skill in
the management or selection of a third party, I shall not be in breach of this agreement and
shall have no liability to you arising out of any such delay or failure.

4.4 My ability to provide the Retreats might be affected by events beyond my reasonable control. If so, there might be a delay before I can go back to business as usual. I shall make all reasonable efforts to limit the effect of any of those events, I shall keep you informed of the circumstances and I shall try to restart the services as soon as those events have been fixed. Examples of events which might be beyond my reasonable control include internet failure or other IT problems, issues at third party venues or if key staff are ill.

5 Your responsibilities

5.1 You will pay the price for the Retreat in accordance with the Retreat description on the relevant webpage, a total of £525
5.2 You will provide me with such information and assistance (and ensure that any information is complete and accurate) as I reasonably request to make the Retreat relevant and useful for you.
5.3 Attendance at the Retreat is not therapy or counselling. You acknowledge that deciding how to handle any issues which may arise, the choices you make in relation to them and following through on any agreed action is exclusively your responsibility. For this reason, although I fully expect great things to happen at the Retreat, I cannot guarantee any specific outcomes or that all attendees will achieve the same results.
5.4 If you are currently receiving treatment from a doctor or other healthcare professional, by entering into this agreement you confirm that you have consulted with this person regarding the advisability of attending the Retreat and that this person is aware of and supports your decision to attend.
5.5 At the Retreat you will be offered various holistic well-being workshops to join in with. It is entirely your responsibility to listen to your body and make sure your practice remains within your physical and emotional capability. Well-being is not competitive and listening to your body and the extent to which it is available for the various workshops is essential. I am not able to accept any responsibility for any damage or loss you may suffer as a result of your pushing your body beyond its limits.

6 Fees and payment
6.1 The price for each Retreat is set out on the webpage for that Retreat.
6.2 Payment is via direct bank transfer or any other method described on the webpage for the Retreat or as agreed between us.
6.3 A non-refundable deposit of £50 is payable when you book the Retreat. The final payment is due 8 weeks before the Retreat.
6.4 If any payments are not paid on the due date, you may lose your place on the trip.

7 Refund and cancellation policy

7.1 The fees are non-refundable except for:
7.1.1 where I cancel a Retreat, you are entitled to a refund for any payments you have made in
advance ; and
7.1.2 if you book your place more than 14 weeks before the start of the Retreat, you have a 14
day ‘cooling off’ period as described below.
As I am a small business and I have to uphold my commitments to my own suppliers, unfortunately
I am not able to make any exceptions to this no-refund policy, not even for personal emergencies.
For this reason I strongly advise you to take out travel insurance to protect yourself against illness,
emergencies and changes in your circumstances.
7.2 In the event you are unable to attend the Retreat:
7.2.1 you may transfer your Retreat place to a friend, subject to my prior approval of your
replacement; or
7.2.2 you can choose to offer your place as a special bursary to a suitable person selected by me in need of this Retreat.

7.3 There is no refund for leaving the Retreat early or arriving after the scheduled start time. There is no partial reimbursement if you choose to opt out of any part of the programme.

8 Cooling off period

8.1 If you book your place more than 14 weeks before the start of the Retreat, you may cancel this contract within 14 days without giving any reason.

8.2 The cancellation period will expire 14 days after the date of the contract.
8.3 If you book the Retreat within 14 weeks of its start date, you will not have a right to cancel.

9 Effects of cancellation in the cooling off period
9.1 If you cancel this contract in accordance with the cooling off period in clause 8.1, I shall reimburse to you all payments received from you and I shall make the reimbursement promptly and using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless we have expressly agreed otherwise.

10 Intellectual property
If I provide you with any materials, whether digital or printed, any intellectual property in those
materials belongs to me and unless I agree otherwise you can only use those materials for your own personal use and you may not share them with third parties.

11 Photograph release
I may photograph and video group activities for use in future marketing materials and by entering into this contract with me you hereby give to me your consent to use your image for this purpose.

12 How I may use your personal information
12.1 I shall use the personal information you give to me to:
12.1.1 provide the Retreat and keep you informed about it;
12.1.2 process your payment for the Retreat; and
12.1.3 inform you about any similar products and services that I provide, though you may stop
receiving this information at any time by contacting me.

12.2 All information shared by you will be kept strictly confidential, except when releasing such
information is required by law.
12.3 I shall not give your personal information to any third party unless you agree to it.

13 Resolving problems
13.1 In the unlikely event that there is a problem with the Retreat, please contact me as soon as possible and give me a reasonable opportunity to sort out any problems with you and reach a positive outcome.
13.2 Nothing in this contract affects your legal rights under the Consumer Rights Act 2015 (also known as ‘statutory rights’). You may also have other rights in law.

14 End of the contract
14.1 Subject to 14.2 this contract will terminate at the end of the Retreat.
14.2 Either you or I may terminate the contract immediately if:
14.2.1 the other party commits any material breach of the terms of this contract and, in the case of a breach capable of being resolved, the breach is not resolved within 30 days of a written request to do so. The written request must expressly refer to this clause and state that this contract will be terminated if the breach is not resolved; or
14.2.2 the other party commits or threatens to commit or is threatened with any act of insolvency under the Insolvency Act 1986.

14.3 If this contract is ended it will not affect my right to receive any money which you owe to me under this contract.

15 Limit on my responsibility to you
15.1 Except for any legal responsibility that I cannot exclude in law (such as for death or personal injury), I am not legally responsible for any:
15.1.1 losses that:

(a) were not foreseeable to you and me when the contract was formed; and
(b) that were not caused by any breach of these terms on my part

15.1.2 business losses, including loss of business, loss of profits, loss of management time and loss of business opportunity.

15.2 My total liability to you is limited to the amount of fees paid by you for the Retreat.

16 Disputes
16.1 I shall try to resolve any disputes with you quickly and efficiently.
16.2 If we cannot resolve a dispute using my internal complaint handling procedure and either of us want
to take court proceedings, the relevant courts of England and Wales will have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to this contract.
16.3 The laws of England and Wales will apply to this contract.

17 Third party rights
17.1 No one other than a party to this contract has any right to enforce any of its terms.​

By participating in any Reset with Ruth retreats, sessions, events, or training you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself and agree to release and discharge Reset with Ruth, Ruth John and any contracted practitioners, from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Reset with Ruth, Ruth John or any contracted teachers’ negligence.

Late or missing refunds

Refunds take up to 10 working days. If you haven’t received a refund yet, first check your bank account again.

Then contact your credit card company, it may take some time before your refund is officially posted.

Next contact your bank. There is often some processing time before a refund is posted.

If you’ve done all of this and you still have not received your refund yet, please contact us at

Sale items

Only regular priced items may be refunded. Sale items cannot be refunded.

Need help?

Contact us at for help. Please expect a reply within 3 working days (Monday to Friday), this is a small business run by Ruth John (1 person). Your patience is appreciated.