Code of Ethics

As a holistic therapist, it is important to maintain high ethical standards to ensure the well-being and safety of clients. Reset with Ruth code of ethics:


Confidentiality: I will maintain the confidentiality of all client information and will not disclose any information without the client’s written consent or as required by law.


Respect: I will treat all clients with respect and dignity, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or any other characteristic.


Informed Consent: I will obtain informed consent from clients before beginning any treatment or therapy, and will provide clear explanations of the treatment process and any potential risks or benefits.


Competence: I will only provide services that I am qualified to provide, and will continuously work to improve my skills and knowledge.
Boundaries: I will maintain appropriate professional boundaries with clients, and will not engage in any behaviour that could be perceived as exploitative or inappropriate.


Safety: I will prioritize the safety and well-being of my clients, and will take appropriate action in the event of any emergency or crisis situation.


Personal Conduct: I will conduct myself in a professional and ethical manner at all times, and will not engage in any behaviour that could bring harm to the reputation of the profession or the clients I serve.